In the junior school at Meadowbank we use the Magic Caterpillar handwriting programme to teach letter formations. The children use the following prompts to remember which way to form lower case letters.
a - open mouth, short stick
b - tall stick, closed tunnel
c - open mouth
d - open mouth, tall stick
e - twig, open mouth
f - feeler, twig
g - open mouth, possum tail
h - tall stick, tunnel
i - short stick, spot
j - possum tail, spot
k - tall stick, twirly curly vine
l - tall stick
m - short stick, tunnel, tunnel
n - short stick, tunnel
o - wide open mouth
p - hanging stick, closed tunnel
q - open mouth, hanging stick
r - short stick, ½ tunnel
s - snake
t - tall stick, twig
u - cup, short stick
v - sloping stick, sloping stick
w - cup, cup
x - criss-cross sticks
y - cup, possum tail
z - twig, sloping stick, twig